By the beginning of 2021, I finally felt ready to start giving therapies on psilocybin mushroom micro-dosing, which I had already experienced in some other forms before. After a very promising first experience during which I was on about 0.8 grams of psilocybin mushroom (as a quick reminder, despite the inherent relativity of the concept, a full mushroom journey is usually 3 to 5 grams of dried mushrooms, and micro-dosing them usually consists of taking 0.1 to 0.2 grams one day on – one day off (or two days on – one day off) for a period of time that ranges from two to three weeks.
During that experience, I could induce sacred-geometry visions in my patient's head, which is what he told me during my traditional feedback time just after the session (according to the notes I take in the meantime, so that I do not disturb the process).
Consequently, I started getting very interested in using psilocybin mushroom micro-dosing with some specific patients with a deep emotional or karmic charge, or even those who came tome with rare diseases.
For example, I have this 30-ish year-old female English patient who was diagnosed with Crohn disease at 7 years old. Since again, I believe that everything we manifest in our physical body is psychosomatic (which we can prove through Quantum Physics), I do not think that the emotional charge we carry at such young age belongs exclusively in this incarnation and somehow has to come from generational or even karmic patterns.
As a result, the psilocybin mushroom micro-dosing with this patient has allowed me to bring some profound emotions back to the “surface” and heal her on a much deeper level than what it would have been with a more conventional therapy, like it has been the case with many other patients ever since.
During that experience, I could induce sacred-geometry visions in my patient's head, which is what he told me during my traditional feedback time just after the session (according to the notes I take in the meantime, so that I do not disturb the process).
Consequently, I started getting very interested in using psilocybin mushroom micro-dosing with some specific patients with a deep emotional or karmic charge, or even those who came tome with rare diseases.
For example, I have this 30-ish year-old female English patient who was diagnosed with Crohn disease at 7 years old. Since again, I believe that everything we manifest in our physical body is psychosomatic (which we can prove through Quantum Physics), I do not think that the emotional charge we carry at such young age belongs exclusively in this incarnation and somehow has to come from generational or even karmic patterns.
As a result, the psilocybin mushroom micro-dosing with this patient has allowed me to bring some profound emotions back to the “surface” and heal her on a much deeper level than what it would have been with a more conventional therapy, like it has been the case with many other patients ever since.
This is an extract of my book: “Teacher on the Road – The Five Phases of Death” (2020)
“As I started becoming more and more interested in what the true power of our misunderstood brain could be, I realised that its volume has notevolved for the last 230,000 years, and since the appearance of Homo Neanderthalensis (over a 2 million-year time span, the volume of the brain went from 600 cm3 with Homo Habilis, to 1680 cm3 with Homo Neanderthalensis, which is its actual current size). I also figured out that, “coincidentally”, psilocybin (psychoactive) mushrooms began beingused in sacred rituals all over the world approximately 230,000 years ago (cave-paintings and other visionary art date back to about 40,000 years ago, but this is not incompatible with the idea that whoever made them built on an already existing legacy of even more ancient and probably less outwardly -“expressi
ve” rituals).
Fungi are also intriguing because the connections between their cells are very similar to the axonal and synaptic connections between the neurons of the human brain. In 1998, a bunch of scientists discovered that fungi split from animals about 1.538 billion years ago, whereas plants split from animals about 1.547 billion years ago. This means fungi split from animals about 9 million years before plants did, which entails that fungi are actually more closely related to animals (and therefore to humans) than plants are. Also, it has been scientifically proven that the mycelium (the underground “root” system of mushrooms) connects all trees and plants together, through a gigantic network of trillions of smart cells, that can be compared to the workings of the human brain. We also know that every single fungus has a specific function: some, like Turkey Tail, are 8 times more efficient than chemotherapy for curing cancer, and others, like psilocybin mushrooms and Lion's Mane, facilitate the neuron-genesis process (in other words, the rebirth and growth of neurons in the brain, which could help cure diseases or psychological conditions such as Alzheimer, schizophrenia, psychosis, addictions or depression) - and this all in a natural, chemical-free way-. So it is not actually so far-fetched to think that their consumption could have had a huge impact on the evolution of humanity.
As Terrence McKenna and Graham Hancock also suggested in their respective researches, I believe not only that psychedelic mushrooms are very likely to have induced the very first form of religion and spirituality in our evolution, hundreds of thousands of years ago, but it is also very plausible that the human brain tripled in size (from Homo Habilis to Homo Neanderthalensis) because of these hundreds of thousands of years of regular consumption of psilocybin mushrooms. It is even possible that the human brain has stopped growing ever since, because mushroom consumption has been quite misunderstood and repressed throughout our more recent history. And yet, even though this is a very acceptable theory regarding human evolution (especially in a Darwinian perspective), it remains merely a theory -the “Stoned Ape Theory”, as Terrence McKenna named it-, like there are many others out there, and it is up to each and every one of us to do our own critical, independent research about this topic.
For my part, not only do I find this theory very plausible, but I also believe that ancient civilisations had become very advanced with regards to both Science and Spirit, all over the world, because of their regular intake of psychoactive substances, and that the crisis of consciousness we are experiencing today is somehow connected with the permanent repression that sacred, ancestral plants have been subjected to in the last decades. Indeed, all medicinal, healing substances such as mushrooms (psilocybin), Peyote (mescaline), San Pedro (mescaline), Ayahuasca (DMT), marijuana (THC-CBD), or even LSD (which is a semi-synthetic substance, that nonetheless originated in nature -actually from another mushroom, the rye ergot fungus -and has been scientifically proven to have many healing effects, if taken with respect and awareness), have been incessantly labelled as “dangerous, useless hard drugs” (such as cocaine or heroin), and, consequently, the true potential they may have to explore and understand the meaning and purpose of our existence on this physical plane has been utterly dismissed.
Of course, this is all theory, and I felt like I needed to experiment with it for myself. I ingested some mushrooms for the first time in Amsterdam, in 2003, and it did not end up being an outstanding experience. However, I tried them again after I came back from Australia, in 2008, with my friend Carole, and later in Amsterdam (again) as I lived there, and these times, it was the most insightful, meaningful experience ever, during which I was so lucid and clear-minded that I truly felt like my comprehension of consciousness was able to reach a whole new depth. I could process so much information all at once that I could finally grasp the intrinsic beauty of our connection with nature and the entire cosmos timelessly.
This knowledge and wisdom are always there, but they are usually not accessible to us because we are so distracted and mind-oriented all the time. These sacred substances may actually contain many existential answers that we all seek sooner or later, and may allow us to accept their consequences too, especially when it comes to interconnectedness, destiny, synchronicity, or even to unconditional love, faith, and the immortality of the soul.
After all, even when it comes to Prince Siddharta; who can say if he did not, in fact, find and ingest a few psilocybin mushrooms around while he was meditating under his famous Bodhi tree for 40 consecutive days, which facilitated and enhanced his “enlightenment” process (after which he would become known as the Buddha)?
I have always been fascinated by all types of mushrooms since I was a young child even if it is only much later, in 2015, that I profoundly reconnected with them. Since then, I have studied, picked and experienced them quite substantially, like many other fields.
After I stayed in a mushroom community and research centre in Guatemala, in 2017, it could not be any clearer that one of my purposes would be to implement my very own mushroom research centre somewhere, someday. And I believe that Chacahua is the perfect place for that since it is such a powerful, ceremonial energy vortex.
The idea is to use psilocybin and other non-psychedelic medicinal mushrooms in a micro-dosing as well as full-journey perspective in order to study their effects onto the human body and brain, as well as onto energies and emotions, and hence to reconnect with the ultimate balance between the body, mind and Spirit.
“As I started becoming more and more interested in what the true power of our misunderstood brain could be, I realised that its volume has notevolved for the last 230,000 years, and since the appearance of Homo Neanderthalensis (over a 2 million-year time span, the volume of the brain went from 600 cm3 with Homo Habilis, to 1680 cm3 with Homo Neanderthalensis, which is its actual current size). I also figured out that, “coincidentally”, psilocybin (psychoactive) mushrooms began beingused in sacred rituals all over the world approximately 230,000 years ago (cave-paintings and other visionary art date back to about 40,000 years ago, but this is not incompatible with the idea that whoever made them built on an already existing legacy of even more ancient and probably less outwardly -“expressi
ve” rituals).
Fungi are also intriguing because the connections between their cells are very similar to the axonal and synaptic connections between the neurons of the human brain. In 1998, a bunch of scientists discovered that fungi split from animals about 1.538 billion years ago, whereas plants split from animals about 1.547 billion years ago. This means fungi split from animals about 9 million years before plants did, which entails that fungi are actually more closely related to animals (and therefore to humans) than plants are. Also, it has been scientifically proven that the mycelium (the underground “root” system of mushrooms) connects all trees and plants together, through a gigantic network of trillions of smart cells, that can be compared to the workings of the human brain. We also know that every single fungus has a specific function: some, like Turkey Tail, are 8 times more efficient than chemotherapy for curing cancer, and others, like psilocybin mushrooms and Lion's Mane, facilitate the neuron-genesis process (in other words, the rebirth and growth of neurons in the brain, which could help cure diseases or psychological conditions such as Alzheimer, schizophrenia, psychosis, addictions or depression) - and this all in a natural, chemical-free way-. So it is not actually so far-fetched to think that their consumption could have had a huge impact on the evolution of humanity.
As Terrence McKenna and Graham Hancock also suggested in their respective researches, I believe not only that psychedelic mushrooms are very likely to have induced the very first form of religion and spirituality in our evolution, hundreds of thousands of years ago, but it is also very plausible that the human brain tripled in size (from Homo Habilis to Homo Neanderthalensis) because of these hundreds of thousands of years of regular consumption of psilocybin mushrooms. It is even possible that the human brain has stopped growing ever since, because mushroom consumption has been quite misunderstood and repressed throughout our more recent history. And yet, even though this is a very acceptable theory regarding human evolution (especially in a Darwinian perspective), it remains merely a theory -the “Stoned Ape Theory”, as Terrence McKenna named it-, like there are many others out there, and it is up to each and every one of us to do our own critical, independent research about this topic.
For my part, not only do I find this theory very plausible, but I also believe that ancient civilisations had become very advanced with regards to both Science and Spirit, all over the world, because of their regular intake of psychoactive substances, and that the crisis of consciousness we are experiencing today is somehow connected with the permanent repression that sacred, ancestral plants have been subjected to in the last decades. Indeed, all medicinal, healing substances such as mushrooms (psilocybin), Peyote (mescaline), San Pedro (mescaline), Ayahuasca (DMT), marijuana (THC-CBD), or even LSD (which is a semi-synthetic substance, that nonetheless originated in nature -actually from another mushroom, the rye ergot fungus -and has been scientifically proven to have many healing effects, if taken with respect and awareness), have been incessantly labelled as “dangerous, useless hard drugs” (such as cocaine or heroin), and, consequently, the true potential they may have to explore and understand the meaning and purpose of our existence on this physical plane has been utterly dismissed.
Of course, this is all theory, and I felt like I needed to experiment with it for myself. I ingested some mushrooms for the first time in Amsterdam, in 2003, and it did not end up being an outstanding experience. However, I tried them again after I came back from Australia, in 2008, with my friend Carole, and later in Amsterdam (again) as I lived there, and these times, it was the most insightful, meaningful experience ever, during which I was so lucid and clear-minded that I truly felt like my comprehension of consciousness was able to reach a whole new depth. I could process so much information all at once that I could finally grasp the intrinsic beauty of our connection with nature and the entire cosmos timelessly.
This knowledge and wisdom are always there, but they are usually not accessible to us because we are so distracted and mind-oriented all the time. These sacred substances may actually contain many existential answers that we all seek sooner or later, and may allow us to accept their consequences too, especially when it comes to interconnectedness, destiny, synchronicity, or even to unconditional love, faith, and the immortality of the soul.
After all, even when it comes to Prince Siddharta; who can say if he did not, in fact, find and ingest a few psilocybin mushrooms around while he was meditating under his famous Bodhi tree for 40 consecutive days, which facilitated and enhanced his “enlightenment” process (after which he would become known as the Buddha)?
I have always been fascinated by all types of mushrooms since I was a young child even if it is only much later, in 2015, that I profoundly reconnected with them. Since then, I have studied, picked and experienced them quite substantially, like many other fields.
After I stayed in a mushroom community and research centre in Guatemala, in 2017, it could not be any clearer that one of my purposes would be to implement my very own mushroom research centre somewhere, someday. And I believe that Chacahua is the perfect place for that since it is such a powerful, ceremonial energy vortex.
The idea is to use psilocybin and other non-psychedelic medicinal mushrooms in a micro-dosing as well as full-journey perspective in order to study their effects onto the human body and brain, as well as onto energies and emotions, and hence to reconnect with the ultimate balance between the body, mind and Spirit.