Karmic Astrology Online Readings & Courses
Astrology, with alchemy and all the disciplines that have been called "occult sciences" or "arts", is nothing more than the projection on man of a science that has been pretended to be alien to him. If astronomy is a knowledge of the universe, astrology is a knowledge of the human being himself, through what the Universe is communicating to him.
In this sense, I do not think that any of them should be disregarded, but rather that they should be put in their right place. They are by no means objective sciences by which man knows nature, the cosmos, but parts of this cosmic knowledge that help him to know himself. I think they are enormously positive, and I am completely convinced that they can help the inner evolution of this New Age human being.
The past is the future. The present is the endless bridge between the two where we must learn to live in the here and now, instead of wasting time lamenting the mistakes of the past, which in the end are simply lessons to be learned for a future that does not yet exist and that we create and manifest in every moment. We must be grateful for what we already have and accept who we already are, in order to free ourselves not only from the outdated patterns and habits of attachment and respect that come to us from the past through transgenerational patterns, but also from our manner and intention in reacting to emotional thought forms that have already limited us in the past and that no longer exist in the here and now.
We can be really sure that we are living in the present when we realise what we are thinking and see how our thoughts become our physical reality, and so we can see how we become what we first thought. This formula, however, causes enormous upheavals commonly referred to as psychic; time is like a strange river that flows both forward into the future and backward into the past. We never have to have these psychic visions, even though at the moment there is a greater inner tension, a consequence of living in a socio-cultural environment that affirms categorically that visions are hallucinations; this causes us more fears and health imbalances.
In the end, we will know, by maintaining clarity of mind, what we have experienced in our personal lives and in our work. Therefore, we should not be afraid of the extraordinary phenomena of the psyche, but rather we have come to regard them today as the natural expression of a particular resonance with space and time.
My astrological chart readings and the courses that I can give in person, or online, are also a loving, caring, and responsible expression of what it means to be born, live and die, suffer and grow older, be a mother, father, sister, brother. We will never stop feeling an enormous respect and reverence for the ordinary and extraordinary events that we encounter in astrotherapy psychoanalysis, which is part of our daily lives.
My readings and courses offer anyone, whether they have previous knowledge or experience in astrology or not, to become fully familiar with the art of individual interpretation of the birth chart and the cycles of the past, combined with the observation of future transits, both in the present existence and of the karmic charge and energy that we carry far beyond it.
PRICING: 50 Euros/hour for one-to-one readings and courses
(Discount applies if more than one person takes the course)
Please contact me if you have any questions or for any special request.
Thank you !
In this sense, I do not think that any of them should be disregarded, but rather that they should be put in their right place. They are by no means objective sciences by which man knows nature, the cosmos, but parts of this cosmic knowledge that help him to know himself. I think they are enormously positive, and I am completely convinced that they can help the inner evolution of this New Age human being.
The past is the future. The present is the endless bridge between the two where we must learn to live in the here and now, instead of wasting time lamenting the mistakes of the past, which in the end are simply lessons to be learned for a future that does not yet exist and that we create and manifest in every moment. We must be grateful for what we already have and accept who we already are, in order to free ourselves not only from the outdated patterns and habits of attachment and respect that come to us from the past through transgenerational patterns, but also from our manner and intention in reacting to emotional thought forms that have already limited us in the past and that no longer exist in the here and now.
We can be really sure that we are living in the present when we realise what we are thinking and see how our thoughts become our physical reality, and so we can see how we become what we first thought. This formula, however, causes enormous upheavals commonly referred to as psychic; time is like a strange river that flows both forward into the future and backward into the past. We never have to have these psychic visions, even though at the moment there is a greater inner tension, a consequence of living in a socio-cultural environment that affirms categorically that visions are hallucinations; this causes us more fears and health imbalances.
In the end, we will know, by maintaining clarity of mind, what we have experienced in our personal lives and in our work. Therefore, we should not be afraid of the extraordinary phenomena of the psyche, but rather we have come to regard them today as the natural expression of a particular resonance with space and time.
My astrological chart readings and the courses that I can give in person, or online, are also a loving, caring, and responsible expression of what it means to be born, live and die, suffer and grow older, be a mother, father, sister, brother. We will never stop feeling an enormous respect and reverence for the ordinary and extraordinary events that we encounter in astrotherapy psychoanalysis, which is part of our daily lives.
My readings and courses offer anyone, whether they have previous knowledge or experience in astrology or not, to become fully familiar with the art of individual interpretation of the birth chart and the cycles of the past, combined with the observation of future transits, both in the present existence and of the karmic charge and energy that we carry far beyond it.
PRICING: 50 Euros/hour for one-to-one readings and courses
(Discount applies if more than one person takes the course)
Please contact me if you have any questions or for any special request.
Thank you !