Welcome to Teacher on the Road!
Around the World Overland since September 2012
“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite."
William Blake
William Blake

The content of the website may seriously affect your open-mindedness and even change your existence for good.
The content of the website may seriously affect your open-mindedness and even change your existence for good.

(Photo: Milky Way meditation in Peru, September 2019 -on timer 10 seconds, exposure 30 seconds, wide angle-)
Welcome to my long, moneyless voyage around the world overland!
Feel free to discover and explore my epic adventures through my book (September 2020 - "Teacher on the Road - The Five Phases of Death", which you can now download directly from this website as an epub version) or some of the most tantalizing photos I have taken of the fabulous places and people that I have run into along the way.
My photos are classified by themes and embody the essence of my quest that I started without money in September 2012, and which has inevitably taken me far off the beaten tracks for almost 8 years, until the covid-19 pandemic changed the course of my voyage. But well, I have always believed that all energies are utterly balanced in this physical universe, so everything is just perfect as it is and always happens for a reason, and so, if we keep our mind and heart open, we can learn a multitude of insightful lessons and thrive as a human being through the process.
Whether it comes to my book or my blog, not only are my writings connected with the geographical aspect of my voyage, but also and especially they depict its social, emotional, philosophical and metaphysical approaches, since they embody the essence of our human and spiritual experience throughout a lifetime.
You can also follow my Instagram account (teacherontheroad_) or Youtube channel (Nicolas Genna - Teacher on the Road) in order to get more live news from the antipodes of the planet and of the mind. I hope you will have a very exciting time by travelling and sharing with me through my exploration of world both inside and outside. After all, whether we are aware of it or not, we are all both Teachers and Students to one another at all times.
Namaste, we are ONE.
Nicolas Genna
Welcome to my long, moneyless voyage around the world overland!
Feel free to discover and explore my epic adventures through my book (September 2020 - "Teacher on the Road - The Five Phases of Death", which you can now download directly from this website as an epub version) or some of the most tantalizing photos I have taken of the fabulous places and people that I have run into along the way.
My photos are classified by themes and embody the essence of my quest that I started without money in September 2012, and which has inevitably taken me far off the beaten tracks for almost 8 years, until the covid-19 pandemic changed the course of my voyage. But well, I have always believed that all energies are utterly balanced in this physical universe, so everything is just perfect as it is and always happens for a reason, and so, if we keep our mind and heart open, we can learn a multitude of insightful lessons and thrive as a human being through the process.
Whether it comes to my book or my blog, not only are my writings connected with the geographical aspect of my voyage, but also and especially they depict its social, emotional, philosophical and metaphysical approaches, since they embody the essence of our human and spiritual experience throughout a lifetime.
You can also follow my Instagram account (teacherontheroad_) or Youtube channel (Nicolas Genna - Teacher on the Road) in order to get more live news from the antipodes of the planet and of the mind. I hope you will have a very exciting time by travelling and sharing with me through my exploration of world both inside and outside. After all, whether we are aware of it or not, we are all both Teachers and Students to one another at all times.
Namaste, we are ONE.
Nicolas Genna