
I have now more than 20 years of experience in the education industry as a teacher in Physical Education, languages from primary schools to universities, language centers and adults (all levels), as a professional coach and in sustainable communities (helper, manager and creator).
In fact, I have had more jobs in my life than what I can count, in varied industries such as the education industry, health industry, hospitality industry, agriculture, all the way to even having been a fisherman in New Zealand and a mushroom picker in Canada. I have stayed and helped in more than 20 communities in 12 different countries on 4 continents and I have successfully created and managed 4 sustainable communities in the last 3 years (Earthbag building, permaculture and biodynamics, overall organisation, human resources and spiritual experience) after having journeyed around the world overland since September 2012.
I believe that we are eternal students and that we can keep learning very efficiently as we grow older. Many people are skeptical about that due to society conditioning and because we usually stop learning after we finish our schooling curriculum. For my part, I have learnt 11 languages and spoken 8 in total by applying my teaching and coaching methods to myself, including 6 languages in the last 6 years at 40 years old.
I am internationally certified in most of the fields I am offering as individual or community services and for the rest, I have given myself the time to study them for years for I have set my way of living and made the necessary sacrifices and changes in order to be able to learn new skills all the time on my Path. Yet, I believe that the most interesting people I have met in my ventures are those who are self-educated and autodidact, including those I have not met physically yet.
Overall, in spite of being highly qualified and experienced, I am eager to share my services with you mainly because that is what I love to do and am passionate about. I believe that serving is also part of the process of humbling ourselves throughout our human experience. And healing others is inexorably taking us in the process of healing ourselves and being Vulnerable.
My method is unique according to its combination of skills. Throughout my substantial travel experience, I have bumped into fabulous people who have climbed Mount Everest or cycled from Europe to Asia. I have met amazing healers with brilliant but very specific abilities. But I have never met anyone who is combining many skills in order to get to the bigger picture of life...and beyond. The marriage between Spirit and Science.
Do not get me wrong, there is no judgement in that if this is what they love to do. However, I have found my faculty of acceptance and adaptation with multi-disciplinary skills in order to interconnect them and observe their patterns. My approach may also suit some like-minded folks in their own evolution and therefore reach their goals and dreams in life.
And that is what I am now sharing with you; Unity over separation.